
Our 1st prize winner on 21 February was Anna Haynes and we caught her at work doing something she loves – running a local café. Anna was shocked and very happy when we gave her the good news that she had won £1,000 in our weekly draw.

When the news sunk in later, she knew exactly what to spend her winnings on! In the middle of a house move, Anna says half of the money will go on moving costs. The other half will go on her 2 daughters to spend on a treat of their choice.

Having a pleasant chat over coffee, Anna explained that when the lovely Treetops Lottery canvasser came to her door over 4 years ago, she did not hesitate in signing up. “It is such a small amount to pay in but it makes such a big difference to such a great charity. Plus you never know when you or your loved ones might need them”.

Congratulations Anna and good luck with your house move.