Staff and volunteers honoured for 420 years of dedication
Treetops was filled with celebration this weekend as staff and volunteers gathered to recognise over 420 years of dedicated service honoured through the charity’s Long Service Awards.
50 staff and volunteers were presented with five and 10-year awards, and one extra-special 25-year award was presented to volunteer gardener, Anne Hopkinson.
I feel part of a family here at Treetops
Anne said:
“It feels unbelievable to get this award really. I don’t know where the 25 years has gone.
“I’ve had lots of different roles and seen a lot of change here over the years. I’ve met some wonderful patients and staff here over the years and have many fond memories. I can’t walk anywhere locally without meeting someone I know through Treetops!“I feel part of a family here at Treetops. Even when the weather’s bad, I still want to come and help. I’d encourage anyone to give volunteering a go!”
I really enjoy going out to support patients in their own home
Wendy Williams, Treetops Healthcare Assistant, also received her 10-year award. Wendy is part of the Treetops Wellbeing at Home team, providing care to local patients who prefer to remain at home during their final days.
“I really enjoy going out to support patients in their own home, where they are choosing to die, rather than in hospital.“Just sitting and listening to someone is really important. Patients can find it hard to open up to their families about coming to the end of their life, so they have the chance to express their feelings to us.
“It doesn’t feel like I’ve been here ten years. It’s gone really quickly, but I suppose when you really enjoy your job, you’re not counting the days or weeks or years.”

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