
Double or Quit 2023

  1. I understand that I will be expected to raise money for Treetops Hospice only and I am not permitted to use any of the money I raise for any expenses.

  2. One form must be completed for each participant.

  3. If I would like to take part in this event with a group of other people, each member must complete a separate entry form. We suggest that all team members submit their forms at the same time. Places are limited so it is advisable to return your completed form as quickly as possible. We cannot guarantee all people who want to take part in a group will be given a place.

  4. Entries will be processed in the order received. We aim to confirm our place within 3 working days. If you have paid an entry fee and a place is not available, it will be refunded to you. B

  5. By taking this place I commit to try and raise money for Treetops although there is no minimum fundraising target to fulfil, to take part in this event. Places are limited so it is advisable to return your completed form as quickly as possible. If I’m taking part in a group, I will create my own individual fundraising page and be responsible for my own fundraising for Treetops. If using a Treetops tribute fund to collect sponsorship, I will request donors specify my name and the event in the comments. I cannot use my place to raise money for another cause.

  6. If I cannot take part in the event for any reason: 

    1. I will inform Treetops Hospice immediately. 

    2. The place cannot be transferred to another person. 

    3. The registration fee is non-refundable. 

    4. Sponsorship money cannot be repaid to me. Treetops will contact each sponsor to ask them how they would like their donation to be treated. Event and fundraising information will be issued via email, text, post; on occasion we may call you. Treetops is not responsible for the event and has no responsibility or liability for it. It is my responsibility to read and act in accordance with the terms of entry for the specific event (found on the event website) that I have signed up for. No collecting buckets are allowed. 


      For more information about the event, please see the event organisers website:

      More Information | ilkestonrunningclub


      Your declaration: I understand that this is a physical event and that I will be walking or running, which is potentially hazardous. I confirm that I am 17 years of age or over and I have no known health problems which prevent me from taking part in the event. I am aware that Treetops Hospice staff and volunteers have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure my safety at this event but accept no further liability. I am also aware that photographs will be taken at the event, and I should inform a Treetops representative if I do not want to be photographed.