Film studio setting with students filming a woman in a chair from view of a tv screen

BA Film & TV students from the University of Derby and media specialists from Bloc Digital have come together to support Treetops Christmas fundraising campaign.

The film project focuses on the importance of sharing memories. It has been a valuable opportunity to both engage the next generation of students in charity. It has also enhanced skills development and knowledge exchange within the community.

Light up a Life appeal

The film is part of our ‘Light up a Life’ appeal which invites people to share a memory of a loved one on our virtual Christmas tree. Our annual Light up a Life Event at the hospice on Sunday 3 December includes a moment to reflect and remember loved ones.
Film studio setting with students filming a woman in a chair
Capturing the film provided a group of second and third-year students the ability to put their videography skills into practice for the first time within a community-based live project. The group was led by Matt Gilooly, a Learning Technology Media Adviser at the University of Derby, and experienced media directors from Bloc Digital. They donated their wealth of skills and experience to design, direct, and edit the piece.
Among those featured in the film is Clair Attwood, who shares precious memories of her late dad. She also talks about what taking part in Light up a Life each year since he died has meant to her.

Donating time and skills to Treetops

Derby-based marketing content and digital solutions business, Bloc Digital, has donated time and skills to support Treetops Hospice for several years. They helped to produce the charity’s virtual memorial service during COVID-19. And they even painted a colourful mural near the hospice reception.
Black and white clapper board for a film with writing on
Julie Heath, Chief Executive, thanked Bloc and the University of Derby for generously donating their skills during this project.
Light up a Life is a very special event for Treetops. Its organisations like Bloc and the university, and of course our wonderful contributors, who help us to bring it all together.
"We’re very grateful to have both the enthusiasm of the students and the expertise of the directors to create this special insight into the importance of memories. We now look forward to hundreds of families enjoying the finished film.”
Dr. Daithí McMahon, Senior Lecturer in Media at the University of Derby, commented:
Julie Heath, Treetops Chief Executive
Julie Heath, Treetops Chief Executive
This has been a great opportunity for the students to work on a live project and a chance for us all to support the vital fundraising efforts of Treetops.
"Engaging with our local community and learning to captivate new audiences in what might be considered a difficult subject has been a valuable experience for the students. It's also been a fantastic opportunity for knowledge exchange between the School of Arts, Bloc Digital and Treetops."

Strengthening local partnerships

Katy Stead, Head of Content Production and Development at Bloc Digital, added:
It's been an honour to help concept and direct this latest campaign for Treetops.
"We're bringing real, tangible benefits to an incredible local charity that we’re delighted to continue supporting, and strengthening Bloc’s Strategic Partnership Agreement with the University of Derby.”
The Strategic Partnership Agreement between the two organisations secures vital investment in skills development within the region. It identifies opportunities to further the university’s vocational learning agenda. As part of the partnership, Bloc Digital has already been providing insights, industry experience and advice for Computer Games Modelling & Animation students at Derby.