Smiling elderly lady

84-year-old Wellbeing patient, Barbara, has joined us in thanking everyone who donated to our Summer Appeal which raised over £19,500.

The success of the appeal means that we can continue to care for even more local patients, like Barbara, and their families, in the future.
Like hundreds of our patients, Barbara found herself isolated when the UK went into lockdown last year. She was advised to shield due to having the respiratory disease COPD and quickly lost contact with the outside world. Barbara kindly shared her moving story to raise awareness of our appeal and was ‘overjoyed’ to hear of its success:
“I’m absolutely awestruck by the amount raised and it’s amazing that people could be so generous and open-hearted. I am quite humbled that they listened and responded in such a generous manner.

Treetops was a lifeline for me during the pandemic. When we went into lockdown, I lost contact with everyone and ended up indoors by myself all day. I wouldn’t speak to a single person from one week to the next.

“The support and the kindness which the hospice gives me is second to none. With Treetops, I can call and speak to someone to reassure me and I know I am not alone. It’s a huge comfort and has made a huge difference to my life.”

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone for their kind donations and support. Even as we see a gradual return to normality, there are people like Barbara who still need to shield due to their conditions and your wonderful support means that we can continue to be there for them.

Jenny Peake, Head of Supporter Relationships

“Everyone who has supported our Appeal can feel proud that they have helped to continue caring for the people in our community who need it the most.”