
Other ways to remember a loved one

Light Up A Life 2023

Share your memories with a light on the Light up a Life Tree.

Remember your loved one today

Every year, hundreds of people remember a loved one with a light on the Treetops Light up a Life Tree.

Each light is a precious memory that brings comfort and joy.

Remembering someone special at Christmas

Clair from Sandiacre always remembers her dad, Trev with a light on the Tree:

“It’s important for me and my family to have memories that make us smile when we remember him.”

She added: “One of my most precious memories is that dad used to build a sledge ready for when it snowed, we used to take it to the hill where he grew up and spend all day sledging until we would break it.”

Join Clair in sharing your memories

It is simple to share a memory, simply choose your light and upload a photograph with your memory or message. Once you have done this, you and your family can see the tree at anytime from anywhere. If you prefer to complete a form for us to put your light and message on the tree call Catherine Clarke on 07930 936333

You can have more than one light and choose the value of your donation knowing it will help Treetops to care for people across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

You and your family do not have to have received care from the hospice to be able to have a light.

Choose your light

How your light helps others

You can choose the value of your donation knowing your light will help local patients and families.

Here are just a few ways you could help:


helps two bereaved children receive resources that will help them to process their feelings.


helps a family who are caring for a loved one receive a night visit from one of our Roaming Nurses.


helps provide a patient who is at the very end of life, with a night of Hospice at Home nursing care.

Light up a Life Film

With the help of Bloc Digital, we have produced a short film about the importance of memories.

It includes some of the memories people have shared with us about their loved ones and ends with the names of those whose light is shining on the Treetops Light up a Life Tree (if lit before 20 November 2023).

Get in touch

All our services are provided free of charge, and are not means-tested. For more information….

Get in touch
Treetops Hospice Logo
Treetops Hospice Trust, Derby Road, Risley, Derbyshire, DE72 3SS

T: 0115 949 1264

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Treetops Hospice Trust
CQC overall rating: Good
9 June 2016

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© Treetops Hospice Trust 2025. Registered charity No. 519540