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Person in a blue Treetops Hospice nurse uniform sitting in a beige room next to a plant and lamp.

Donate to help us care for more local patients

Treetops welcomes donations to help the charity care for more terminally-ill patients and their families in the local community.

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Big group of people smiling wearing odd socks and holding a cake to highlight Huntington's Disease support

Sock-filled event shines light on Huntington’s Disease support group

Treetops was filled with a colourful display of mismatched socks this week, as the Huntington’s Disease peer support group held an "Odds and Socks" event. Patients, family members, carers, volunteers and hospice staff donned their quirkiest odd socks and enjoyed a sock-themed cake to help raise awareness of the disease which affects approximately 7,000 people in the UK. Huntington’s Disease is a condition that damages nerve cells in the brain, causing them to stop working properly. Over time, the disease affects movement, cognition, and mental health. [button url="" template="block" class="btn-block--red"]Find out about our Huntington's Disease Support Group[/button] The support has been life-changing Anne-Marie, 48, and her husband Richard, 50, from Stapleford, have been coming to the monthly group for just over a year. Anne-Marie was diagnosed two years ago with Huntington’s Disease. She said: “Coming to terms with having the disease and knowing that your mental capacity is deteriorating is a real challenge. This time last year, I wasn’t myself. I was sad and depressed. I’d lost my confidence and was coming to terms with showing symptoms. “Treetops and the support group have been phenomenal. There’s support for me, support for Richard as a carer, and support in place for our children. It’s been life-changing. “We’ve made friendships and meet up outside of the group. And the staff and volunteers support and treat you so well. They really see you as a unique individual.” Support to keep your quality of life for as long as possible Richard added: “Although I enjoy caring for Anne-Marie, coming here is a break and I can relax. It’s like a battery recharge. At home, I’d be thinking, ‘the washing’s on, I need to do the ironing, what shall we have for tea?’ Here, that’s all gone. “You can share stories and experiences with others in a similar situation, and it’s sociable. And you realise all the support that Treetops has to offer to keep your quality of life for as long as possible.” About the Huntington's Disease Support Group The Huntington’s Disease peer support group meet monthly at Treetops in Risley, to share experiences, information and advice. The Support Group is a joint venture between Treetops Hospice and the Huntington’s Disease Association. The theme of 'odd socks' is being used by the Huntington’s Disease Association to represent the 50:50 odds of inheriting the Huntington's gene from a parent with the disease. National Odds and Socks Day takes place across the UK on Thursday 27 February 2025. [button url="" template="block" class="btn-block--red"]Learn more about the Huntington's Disease Support Group[/button]
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Woman with blond hair and glasses smiling in front of plants

The importance of having a Will

Jayne Smith, retired probate solicitor, talks about her career helping people write a Will and what can happen if you don’t have a Will when you die. Introducing Jayne "I was born and grew up in Nottingham.  I was the first person from my family to go to university.  I studied Law and French in Manchester, returning to Nottingham to do my Law Society final exams. I trained at a local firm called German and Soar. Two years after qualifying, I was asked to open an office in Wollaton where I practised for over 30 years.  I became a partner in the firm soon afterwards and after several mergers, the firm is now known as Rothera Bray. I was the Head of the Wills and Probate Department with responsibility for over 20 lawyers and paralegals.  I dealt with Wills, probate, trust and inheritance tax issues along with Powers of Attorney and Court of Protection cases.  I was really proud to get a Lifetime Achievement Award from Nottingham Law Society in 2022. I retired from practice in May 2023."Throughout my career, my driving force has been a passion to help people, especially in the most difficult times of their lives. I’ve met so many different people and have even supported several generations of the same family over the years. How many Wills have you helped write during your career? If I had to make a guess, after 40 years in practice, I would say it would be in the region of 7,500! Supporting Treetops Hospice Rothera Bray supported the Treetops Hospice Free Wills scheme for many years, and I was asked to do a talk at Treetops about the benefit of making a Will. I prepared my presentation ‘Confessions of a Probate Lawyer’ and have spoken several times to supporters. When I first visited Treetops, I was hugely impressed with the friendliness of the staff, the calm atmosphere, and the grounds.  Since retirement, I have had more time to devote to good causes and I jumped at the chance to become involved with Treetops. I am a Treetops Patron and also a member of the Treetops Development Board.I really enjoy delivering my talk and I get really good feedback. I like to see the reactions I get from my stories and anecdotes which are entertaining and thought-provoking. Lots of people have come up to me afterwards to say they learned something new, and it’s been a good prompt for them to do something. [button url="" template="block" class="btn-block--red"]More information about our FREE support to make a Will[/button]   Why is having a Will so important? For me, there is no better way to make things easier for your loved ones when you die. If there is no Will, they are left with the uncertainty of not knowing your wishes and of your estate being distributed in accordance with the rules set out by the Government. What can happen when you don't have a Will? If you don't make a Will, then you have no say in who gets what when you're gone, and the Government decides for you. The rules also set out who can administer the estate. One of the common misconceptions I used to hear was when people would say to me: ‘I'm married so I don't need a Will. My spouse will get everything’. And if there are no eligible family members to inherit, things can get extremely complicated. I came across the case of a 50-year-old woman who was an only child. Both her parents had died. Although she had been in a relationship with her boyfriend for over 20 years, they did not live together, and they were financially independent. She died suddenly and there were no eligible family members to benefit. Her entire estate of over £1.2 million went to the Government. Her boyfriend said that they had talked for years about making Wills but never thought that this could happen, and they had just been too busy. A lot of people also used to say, ‘I’ve not got anything of value to leave in a Will, so I don’t need one’. If you listed all your personal belongings, you might be very surprised! Charities also don’t receive anything from an estate unless there’s a legacy in a Will, or a donation is made by the solicitor dealing with an estate. What's the most memorable Will you've come across e.g. an unusual bequest? We once had a client who left a sum of money to her executors to be used to provide flowers for her and her parents’ graves on specific dates - birthdays and anniversaries – for as long as the funds lasted. Free support with writing or updating your Will As your local hospice we know that making a Will is one of the best things you can do for your family. It means that, after your death, your wishes are clear. We can support you, whether you’re just starting to think about your wishes, or if you’re making or updating your Will because of changes in your life. Gifts in Wills help provide care for up to two in five of our Hospice at Home patients. Leaving a gift to Treetops will help continue our vital work. [button url="" template="block" class="btn-block--red"]Your FREE Wills support[/button]
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Group of smiling men and women holding long service awards at Treetops Hospice

Staff and volunteers honoured for 420 years of dedication

Treetops was filled with celebration this weekend as staff and volunteers gathered to recognise over 420 years of dedicated service honoured through the charity’s Long Service Awards. 50 staff and volunteers were presented with five and 10-year awards, and one extra-special 25-year award was presented to volunteer gardener, Anne Hopkinson. I feel part of a family here at Treetops Anne said: “It feels unbelievable to get this award really. I don’t know where the 25 years has gone. “I’ve had lots of different roles and seen a lot of change here over the years. I’ve met some wonderful patients and staff here over the years and have many fond memories. I can’t walk anywhere locally without meeting someone I know through Treetops!“I feel part of a family here at Treetops. Even when the weather’s bad, I still want to come and help. I’d encourage anyone to give volunteering a go!” I really enjoy going out to support patients in their own home Wendy Williams, Treetops Healthcare Assistant, also received her 10-year award. Wendy is part of the Treetops Wellbeing at Home team, providing care to local patients who prefer to remain at home during their final days. “I really enjoy going out to support patients in their own home, where they are choosing to die, rather than in hospital.“Just sitting and listening to someone is really important. Patients can find it hard to open up to their families about coming to the end of their life, so they have the chance to express their feelings to us. “It doesn’t feel like I’ve been here ten years. It’s gone really quickly, but I suppose when you really enjoy your job, you’re not counting the days or weeks or years.” [button url="" template="block" class="btn-block--red"]See our current vacancies[/button] [button url="" template="block" class="btn-block--red"]Join us as a volunteer[/button]
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Woman with long dark hair in red Treetops jacket standing amongst Christmas trees

Christmas Treecycling Success!

Our Treetops Treecycling scheme has raised over £24,000! Over three days, a team of volunteers braved the icy conditions to collect almost 1,300 trees from households across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Tree collections were made in return for a donation towards the hospice. Vic Rocca, our Relationships Manager - Key Events, said:We’re hugely grateful to everyone who registered their tree for collection and supported the scheme. The money raised could help us provide 213 nights of vital nursing care to patients at the very end of life, in their own homes. A record number of 50 local volunteers from across 15 businesses helped collect trees. “I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who’s been involved in Treecycling this year. Despite the snow and bitterly cold weather, our wonderful volunteers have made sure all the trees have been collected.” Vic continued. “Ward Recycling kindly provided us with skips and is recycling the trees responsibly for us. We really couldn’t do this without everyone’s help. It’s a huge joined-up effort.”
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Two men skydiving on a Skydive Day waving and giving a thumbs up

Husband to receive skydive surprise Christmas gift

Little does he know, but on Christmas morning, Mr B from Belper will be unwrapping a surprise gift of a charity skydive in aid of Treetops Hospice. The unusual present, from his wife of twelve years, will see Mr B free-falling at over 120mph from 14,000 feet above the local countryside in March 2025 on the Treetops Skydive Day. Mrs B is sure this will be a present ‘he will always remember’, as she explained: I think Mr B may be slightly shocked as it isn't something you expect to get for Christmas, but he’s always said skydiving is something he would love to do but never got round to. “My mum currently has cancer and raising money for a charity that helps support people and their families through such a terrible time seemed a great thing to do. "Every time I have spoken to someone at Treetops, they have been so kind and helpful. I’d like to give something back to the charity, and as I’m not able to skydive myself, my husband doing it is the next best thing! The sponsored Treetops Skydive Day takes place on Saturday 15 March 2025 at Langar Airfield, Nottinghamshire. Claire Mathias, Treetops Relationships Manager – Challenge Events, said: “I really can't wait to hear about Mr B’s reaction, and of course, see him in action on the day. “It’s not too late to grab your own unique present for that one person who’s so hard to buy for at Christmas!” [button url="" template="block" class="btn-block--red"]Find out about the Treetops Skydive Day[/button]
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Former Sycamore Gap tree in Northumberland National Park

Treetops Hospice to receive ‘Tree of Hope’

The National Trust has announced Treetops Hospice as one of the recipients of the ‘Trees of Hope’ Sycamore Gap saplings being gifted to individuals, groups, and organisations across the UK. The 49 ‘Trees of Hope’ have been grown from seed from the Sycamore Gap tree which formerly stood in the gap above Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland National Park, until it was illegally felled last September. Treetops will plant the sapling on its 12.5-acre grounds in Risley, Derbyshire. Julie Heath, Treetops Chief Executive, explained how delighted the hospice is to become part of the Sycamore Gap tree’s legacy. Treetops is the only hospice in the East Midlands to be chosen to receive a sapling: "It’s a real honour for us to have been chosen to receive one of the ‘Trees of Hope’ to plant here at Treetops. Our grounds and gardens are incredibly important to us and play a vital role in the wellbeing of hundreds of our patients and counselling clients every year. “Our grounds are also open to the general public and we hope they will visit the sapling when it is planted here next year.” Nearly 500 applications were received for the 49 saplings – one to represent each foot in height that the tree was at the time of felling. The saplings are currently being cared for at the charity’s Plant Conservation Centre. They should be strong enough ready to plant out in winter 2025/26. Andrew Poad, General Manager for the National Trust’s Hadrian Wall properties said: “Each and every application for a ‘Tree of Hope’ told heartfelt stories of people’s emotional connections to the Sycamore Gap tree and the importance of nature. They spoke of loss, hope and regeneration from all four corners of the country, from towns, schools, colleges, community groups, hospitals and hospices, it’s been a privilege to read them all. “The tree meant so much to so many and through the ‘Trees of Hope’ initiative we are helping reach people across the nation, for generations to come. “Each sapling will carry a message of hope with it as they start a new chapter not just for the tree but for all the 49 people and communities that will receive a sapling.” Further information, and the locations of all of the 49 ‘Trees of Hope’ saplings, can be found on the National Trust website here.
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Airport control tower at night with illuminated sign and metallic turbine sculpture in foreground.

East Midlands Airport control tower lights up to support local hospice appeal

East Midlands Airport is lighting up its air traffic control tower until Sunday 8 December, in support of the Treetops Hospice Light up a Life appeal. The annual Light up a Life appeal encourages people to share a memory of a loved one on the hospice’s virtual Christmas tree and make a donation to the local charity. From now until Sunday 8 December, passengers travelling to and from the Castle Donington airport will see the Light up a Life logo projected onto the iconic 51-meter-high tower. Ioan Reed-Aspley, East Midlands Airport’s Head of Corporate Affairs, said: “We’re only too pleased for Treetops Hospice to use our air traffic control tower again to raise awareness for their Light up a Life Appeal. “It’s a wonderful cause and lighting up our tower which can be seen for miles around seems an appropriate way to bring it to everyone’s attention.” Treetops Chief Executive, Julie Heath, added: “We’re very grateful to East Midlands Airport for their continued support. It’s the fourth year that the control tower has been lit up in support of Treetops. “Light up a Life is very special to Treetops, when hundreds of people join us in remembering their loved ones on our virtual Light up a Life Tree. It’s very moving to see all the photos and read the memories being shared. “Proceeds from Light up a Life go towards helping us continue to care for local patients with life-limiting conditions, those who’ve been bereaved, and their families.” Along with a virtual Christmas tree, supporters are also invited to attend the in person Light Up a Life event, at the hospice in Risley on Sunday 8 December. For more information and to share a precious memory of a loved one, head to or call the hospice on 0115 949 1264.
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Person in red Treetops Hospice coat and grey Treetops Hospice hat, standing amidst discarded Christmas trees.

Hospice Christmas tree recycling scheme opens for bookings

Treetops Hospice is now taking bookings for their Treecycling service, which is a quick and easy way to recycle a real Christmas tree after the festive period. The Treetops Christmas Treecycling scheme will run from Tuesday 7 to Thursday 9 January 2025. For a recommended donation of £15 or more, Treetops volunteers will collect trees from front gates or driveways throughout Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire and take them to designated recycling points. Treetops, based in Risley, provides nursing care and emotional support for adults with life-limiting conditions, those who’ve been bereaved, and their families. Vic Rocca, Treetops Relationships Manager - Key Events, explained that the hospice hopes to recycle 1,500 trees in January: “It’s a hugely popular scheme.  I think it’s because we come to people’s houses – there’s no need to struggle to fit the tree into the car or to deal with messy pine needles everywhere.” Last year, Treetops recycled more than 1,000 trees and raised over £18,000, helping more than 166 patients receive a night of hospice at home care. Treecycling 2025 is sponsored by Rothera Bray LLP, which means more care can be provided from the money raised. “We’re encouraging people to register as soon as possible to ensure we can collect their tree in the New Year” Vic continued. Registration closes at midnight on Sunday 5 January, or earlier if capacity is reached.  
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Person in blue standing in front of a signpost at Treetops Hospice near a building entrance.

Treetops welcomes Health Secretary’s promise to protect hospices

Treetops Hospice, has welcomed the Health Secretary’s commitment to protect hospices from the impact of tax rises, following concerns about a proposed increase in National Insurance Contributions. Based in Risley, the charity, which provides vital care and support to over 2,000 people living with life-limiting illnesses in Derbyshire, relies on fundraising to cover over £4.3 million a year to maintain its services. The recently proposed rise in National Insurance Contributions, announced during the Budget, would add an additional financial burden on the charity, requiring them to raise an extra £120,000 to meet the increased costs. CEO at Treetops Hospice, Julie Heath, said: “We are facing challenging times, and the proposed increase in National Insurance Contributions would have a significant impact on our finances. "As the local hospice serving the people of Derbyshire, we don’t just provide care, we offer a place of comfort and support for families during their most difficult moments. Having to find an additional £120,000 next year to cover these increased costs would put pressure on our ability to deliver the high-quality care we are known for.” Earlier this week, the Health Secretary, Wes Streeting pledged to adjust government grants to ensure hospices, including Treetops, are protected from the financial implications which come with the proposed tax increases. Julie added: “Wes Streeting’s pledge to make sure hospices are protected is welcome news to Treetops. We look forward to hearing more details about the plan before Christmas, and we hope it will help secure the future of hospices across the UK.” Treetops Hospice, the leading end-of-life care charity in Derby, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, provides nursing care and emotional support for adults with life-limiting conditions, those who’ve been bereaved, and their families. Treetops Hospice is doing all it can to continue to support those in most need. The charity welcomes donations to ensure the future of the hospice and its services:
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Group of Treetops staff dressed in red coats standing in front of Treetops sign holding real Christmas trees

Businesses urged to give the gift of time to local hospice this Christmas

Local businesses are being urged to give the gift of time this Christmas, to support Treetop Hospice's Treecycling campaign. During 2023, businesses throughout Derbyshire and beyond banded together to support the hospice as part of their Children in Need DIY Big Build, which saw a bespoke counselling unit for children and young people built on the charity's grounds in Risley. Now the charity, which supports over 2,000 people living with life-limiting illnesses, is calling for businesses to once again support them. From 7 to 9 January 2025, the hospice will be collecting real Christmas trees for recycling after the festive period, in return for a donation to the charity. Volunteers with vans collect trees from driveways and bring them to designated recycling points across Southern Derbyshire and neighbouring areas of Nottinghamshire. Vic Rocca, Treetops Key Events Relationships Manager, said:  “Treecycling collections are really fun and can help blow off the cobwebs following the festive feasting period. “Vans or tippers, of Transit size or larger, are required to help the collection. Businesses, families, or community groups with access to these are encouraged to get in touch and provide support. “Volunteers who can offer a day’s help or even a few hours will make a massive difference in collecting all the trees registered over the festive period. “Last year 14 businesses and organisations volunteered for the treecycling scheme. Together they raised over £18,000 helping more than 166 patients receive a night of hospice at home care. “The proceeds raised from Treecycling really make a difference. That’s why we’re on a mission to secure more volunteers and vans, as this will help us to care for even more patients and their families across the local community. “ Interested in volunteering? Please contact Vic Rocca at Treetops on or call 0115 949 1264. Treetops Hospice, the leading end-of-life care charity in Derby, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, provides nursing care and emotional support for adults with life-limiting conditions, those who’ve been bereaved, and their families. Treetops Hospice is doing all it can to continue to support those in most need. The charity welcomes donations to ensure the future of the hospice and its services:
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Group of three men and two women holding a large Treetops Hospice cheque indoors.

Local businesses swing into action raising £3,500 for Derbyshire hospice

A charity golf day organised by Ilkeston based roofing firm, Advanced Roofing, has proved to be a 'tee-rrific' event raising over £3,500 for Treetops Hospice. Suppliers and local businesses swapped their day jobs for the greens at one of the UK's premier golf destinations, the Forest of Arden Golf Club, for 18-holes followed by an auction. The money raised will help Treetops, the hospice for south Derbyshire and the city of Derby, to care for people with life-limiting illnesses and their family. Lisa Hartshorn, Financial Director at Advanced Roofing said: "It was the first time we organised a corporate golf day and I can’t believe how successful it was. Thanks to the teams who took part and suppliers who donated prizes, we raised an amazing £3,590 for Treetops. We're so pleased with how it went, that we'll be making it an annual event in support of Treetops. Advanced Roofing first got involved in supporting Treetops in September 2023 as part of BBC Children in Need's DIY SOS The Big Build, providing and installing the roof for The Saplings, a bespoke children's bereavement and counselling therapy centre at Treetops. "We were truly honoured to be part of the DIY SOS The Big Build project, and were impressed by the work Treetops do." Lisa added. Treetops' Community Engagement Relationship Manager, Natalie Godrich, said: "We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who’s taken part in the charity golf day. Their support could help us to provide 100 counselling sessions for local bereaved children or help to fund 35 nights of hospice at home care for local people at the end of life. "We love working with Advanced Roofing and can't wait to continue to grow the relationship; particularly at their annual golf day." If your business is interested in supporting Treetops, please email
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A truck with a Christmas tree and "Christmas Treecycling" text on a snowy background.

Vans and volunteers sought for charity tree recycling scheme this Christmas

Vans and volunteers are needed to join Treetops Hospice efforts as the end-of-life charity’s tree recycling scheme returns this Christmas. From the 7 to 9 January 2025, the hospice will be collecting real Christmas trees for recycling after the festive period, in return for a donation to the charity. Volunteers with vans collect trees from driveways and bring them to designated recycling points across Southern Derbyshire and neighbouring areas of Nottinghamshire. Vans or tippers, of Transit size or larger, are required to help the collection. Businesses, families, or community groups with access to these are encouraged to get in touch and provide support. Vic Rocca, Treetops Key Events Relationships Manager, said: "Treecycling collections are really fun and can help blow off the cobwebs following the festive feasting period. “Volunteers who can offer a day’s help or even a few hours will make a massive difference in collecting all the trees registered over the festive period. “The proceeds raised from Treecycling helps us to care for even more patients and their families across the local community. Interested in volunteering? Please contact Vic Rocca at Treetops on or call 0115 949 1264. Treetops Hospice, the leading end-of-life care charity in Derby, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, provides nursing care and emotional support for adults with life-limiting conditions, those who’ve been bereaved, and their families. Treetops Hospice is doing all it can to continue to support those in most need. The charity welcomes donations to ensure the future of the hospice and its services:
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Treetops Hospice Trust, Derby Road, Risley, Derbyshire, DE72 3SS

T: 0115 949 1264

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Treetops Hospice Trust
CQC overall rating: Good
9 June 2016

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© Treetops Hospice Trust 2025. Registered charity No. 519540