Therapeutic Services
Other sources of help
This is a list of organisations who may be able to help you if you have been bereaved or are facing a life-limiting illness.
You may also be interested in our Bereavement Support Group – Tears to Laughter – which offers peer support to adults who are grieving.
Please find a list of websites below that may help you further.
Hospice UK – To find a hospice that is local to you if Treetops is not in your area.
Derbyshire Bereavement Hub – Information and links to organisations and services for bereaved people (of all ages) in Derby city and Derbyshire
Cruse Bereavement Care – Support, advice and information to children, young people and adults.
Winston’s Wish – Website for professionals, parents and children in relation to children and young people dealing with serious illness and bereavement in the family. National telephone helpline.
SANDS – Still Birth and Neonatal Charity.
Child Death Helpline – A helpline for anyone affected by the death of a child of any age.
The Compassionate Friends – A nationwide organisation of bereaved parents and their families.
Macmillan – Supports people living with cancer.
Child Bereavement UK – Supports families where a child has died.
Grief Encounter – Supporting children, young people and their families through bereavement. Offering support through therapeutic services, groups, fun days and a free national helpline.
Childhood Bereavement Network – Umbrella organisation for services for bereaved children. Website contains a directory of services within the UK.
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS)
WAY Widowed and Young – A national self-help group for men and women aged 5o years or younger who have been widowed.
Way Up – A self help group aimed at providing mutual support to those widowed their 50’s and 60’s.
SAMM – Support after Murder and Manslaughter.
The Digital Legacy Association – Advice and toolkits for managing digital and online personal affairs