Therapeutic Services
Counselling and Emotional Support Service for people dealing with life limiting illness
The service is available to all users of Treetops Hospice services and people registered with a GP practice in Derby city or Southern Derbyshire.
Being faced with the diagnosis of a life limiting illness – whether it is yourself or someone close to you – can turn your world upside down. Things you normally take for granted are no longer certain – from everyday routines to future hopes and dreams.
You may have to adjust to the loss of your usual roles in the family and at work. Or you may unexpectedly find yourself in the role of a carer. Children and young people often feel confused, insecure and afraid when a parent or carer is seriously ill. These feelings can lead to problems at school, difficulty sleeping and challenging behaviour.
Fear, disbelief, denial and anger are all common and understandable reactions for individuals and families dealing with life limiting illness. Often family members struggle in different ways, finding it hard to talk to each other about their feelings, leading to tension, misunderstandings and isolation.
Whether you’re trying to make sense of an initial diagnosis, are involved with complex treatment plans, or facing the end of your life (or that of someone close to you), we can offer you a safe and confidential space to explore what it means for you and support you through this difficult time.
How it works
All services are provided free of charge, and are not means-tested.
The service is available to all users of Treetops Hospice services and people registered with a GP practice in Derby city or Southern Derbyshire.
Access to this service is by self-referral only. Please phone on 0115 949 6944 during our opening hours (8.30am-4pm Monday-Thursday, 8.30am-3.30pm Friday).
We will arrange an assessment with you, at which the most appropriate form of support for you can be discussed.
Call us on 0115 949 6944