Treetops Hospice provides nursing care and emotional support for adults and their families in Derby and Derbyshire
Every penny you raise makes a huge difference and means we can continue to care for local patients and their families. Our Community Relationships Team would love to hear from you and offer support
You will make a difference to patients and families in Derby and Derbyshire
© Treetops Hospice 2023. Registered charity No. 519540
Dedicate a leaf on the Memory Tree
* minimum 12 month commitment
If you are a UK taxpayer, using Gift Aid means that for every pound that you give, we receive an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue, helping your donations go further. Treetops cannot claim Gift Aid for the money received for Keepsake Leaves or any money from a business or organisation.
I want all my donations given to Treetops Hospice within the last 4 years and all donations I make in the future to be Gift Aided until I notify otherwise. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given.
Your valued support helps care for local patients and families. We look forward to keeping in touch by post and phone about our work, sharing news, activities, and opportunities to donate and fundraise.
We will never sell your data which will only ever be used for hospice purposes.
Let us know if you want to change how you hear from us or would prefer not to receive any future marketing updates from the hospice. Email us at or call us on 0115 949 1264. A copy of our privacy policy is at Privacy Notice