
Conditions of Entry

London to Paris

Conditions of entry

I understand that:
  1. Each person must enter separately. If you would like to take part in this event on the same date as other people, we suggest that everyone enter at the same time. 
  2. I cannot use my place to raise money for another cause. 
  3. I am not permitted to use the money I raise for any expenses. 
  4. I confirm that I am 18 years on or before the day of travel. 14 – 17 year olds can register if they are accompanied by their parent or legal guardian. Please note, this must be one-on-one. One parent or guardian cannot accompany two 14 – 17 year olds. Both parties must understand that if at any point one of you need to come off the challenge for whatever reason, the other person must do so also. Both parties must book separately and both must fulfil their own fundraising target. 
  5. It is my responsibility to read and act in accordance with the terms of entry for the specific event that I have signed up for (found on the event providers website). Please take time read these conditions. 
  6. I understand that I must take out personal travel and event insurance to minimise the risk of personal financial loss in the event of being unable to part. For international events, it is compulsory that you are adequately insured to take part in your Global Adventure Challenge. It is also highly recommended that you’re insured to take part in UK Challenges as well. 
  7. I have no health problems to prevent me from taking part in this event. 
  8. I am aware that Treetops Hospice is not responsible for this event and has no responsibility or liability for it. 
  9. If I cannot take part in the event for any reason:
    1. I will inform Treetops Hospice and Global Adventure Challenges immediately.
    2. I understand that the deposit is non-refundable.
    3. I understand that the sponsorship money cannot be repaid to me. Treetops will contact each sponsor to ask them how they would like their donation to be treated. 
    4. I understand that if I cancel my place within 12 weeks of the event, for any reason, I may be liable for event costs as per the event provider booking conditions. Treetops cannot be held liable for any financial loss to the participant if they cannot complete the challenge. The event provider costs are to be covered by the individual in the event of cancellation within 12 weeks of the event. We strongly suggest you obtain travel insurance immediately after registration to cover this cost element of your challenge.
  10. I will receive event and fundraising information via email, text, post and on occasion by telephone. 
  11. I understand that a Treetops representative will not be attending the event. 
  12. By taking part in the event, I commit to raise £1790 or more for Treetops (excluding gift aid). 
  13. 12 weeks before the event 80% of your fundraising target must have reached Treetops by way of Just Giving, bank transfer, cash or cleared cheque. If Treetops has not received 80% of the fundraising target or evidence for the remaining 20%, the participant is liable to pay the deficit themselves. In this circumstance, with a written agreement from Treetops they will be able to take back this value from later fundraising income. Treetops withholds the right to exclude those who have not completed their fundraising target, from the event 12 weeks before. 
  14. Any money I raise above £1790 must be paid to Treetops within 4 weeks of the event date. 
  15. Treetops will pay the balance of cost after the deposit. For example, a cycle costing £1020 requires a £125 deposit on booking (this is the signup cost paid by you) and has a balance of £895. Treetops pays the £895. 
  16. Treetops reserves the right to increase the fundraising target if the cost of the event increases. 
  17. GiftAid donations cannot be used to reach your fundraising target. 

Your declaration: I understand that this is a physical event, which is potentially hazardous. I confirm that I am 18 years of age or being accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who has booked their own place in this event is aged between 14 and 17. I have no known health problems which prevent me from taking part in the event. I am aware that Treetops Hospice staff and volunteers have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure my safety at this event but accept no further liability. I am also aware that photographs will be taken at the event, and I should inform a Treetops representative if I do not want to be photographed. 

Treetops Hospice Logo
Treetops Hospice Trust, Derby Road, Risley, Derbyshire, DE72 3SS

T: 0115 949 1264

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Treetops Hospice Trust
CQC overall rating: Good
9 June 2016

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© Treetops Hospice Trust 2025. Registered charity No. 519540